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Jim Harris(1968) won the prize of “Dooyewaard Stichting” in 2017, which enabled him to work in a beautiful studio almost free of charge for 3 years. One of the studios was used by Pete Mondriaan. He also got to meet other artists there. This prize was not participated by application but by invitation. That was a precious experience for Harris.

Harris is included in some good collections like Akzo nobel, Eagon, Dutch Royal family, Thomas Ruscha, Morat institute and probably the best one is Adrian Koerfer mondo studio, which is the largest private collection of paintings in Europe. He has made a book and Harris feature in it. Akzo did the same.

Jim Harris mainly paints outside because that's where his subject is. For him, the most important thing is observing directly from life in or outside. Though painting in one way is a very intimate act and he doesn’t want any unwanted attention, standing outside with canvas and sharing it with the world seems to be unavoidable. However, once he sold a painting and met interesting people whilst painting, some of whom are still friends to this day.

“My intuition, hand, heart and gut will always make better pictures than my intellect.” For Harris, painting is much more of an intuitive, sensory and physical act more rather than an intellectual exercise. When painting, his works just “hijacks” all his attention.

1991 Bristol polytechnic

2021 "Behind the Scenes", de Hulenhof Gallery, Zelheim, the Netherlands
2020 "Stone, Wood, Water and Light", Domkerk, Utrecht, the Netherlands
2020 "Paper Effect", Garvey|Simon Gallery, New York, USA
2018 "Sailing Path", Galerie Martin Mertens, Berlin, Germany
2017 "Flow", Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2017 Jim Harris at the Morat Institution in Freiburg, Germany
2015 "Current Works", Galerie Martin Mertens, Berlin, Germany
2014 "Reliance on Nature", Galerie Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2013 "Sunshot", MM Projects, Karlsruhe, Germany
2012 "Leaving the Light", Galerie Martin Mertens, Berlin, Germany
2011 "Instant Surrounding", Gallery Roger Katwijk, Amsterdam, Netherlands
2010 "New Image", Galerie Martin Mertens, Munich, Germany
2009 Jürgen Kalthoff Gallery (double exhibition), Essen, Germany
2009 "Light", Galerie Martin Mertens in Berlin, Germany Galerie Roger Katwijk in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2008 Art Exhibition in Bologna, Italy, Martin Mertens Gallery
2007 Galerie Martin Mertens in Berlin, Germany Galerie Krijger & Katwijk in Amsterdam, the Netherlands
2006 Galerie Martin Mertens, Berlin, Germany Galerie Jürgen Kalthoff, Essen, Germany
2005 Galerie rekord in Berlin, Germany
2005 Galerie g in Freiburg, Germany
2005 Galerie Krijger & Katwijk in Amsterdam, Netherlands
2004 Galerie Jürgen Kalthoff, Essen, Germany
2003 Galerie Pimm van der Donk, Hamburg, Germany
2003 Galerie Jürgen Kalthoff, Essen, Germany
1999 Galerie Singel 74, Amsterdam, Netherlands