| EN
Awards / grants
2019 project grant ‘the Soviet series’
2015 Work contribution proven talent, Mondriaan Fund
2013 inspiration trip, 'Van Vlissingen Art Foundation'
2010 Starter grant, Mondriaan FundCollectionsPublicationsSide activities

Voorlinden collection, KPMGKunstmuseum Villa Zanders (DE), Fentener van Vlissingen collection, MAL collection, Pieter and Marieke Sanders collection, F. Oomen collection, ING insurance, Dela insurance, SBK Amsterdam, Various private collections

As an artist, Erik de Bree's (Haarlem, 1977) work involves both the act of painting and the process of creating. In the past 15 years, he approaches each series of work with curiosity about the material and its potential for artistic expression. The artist's studio is like a laboratory where he experiments with different materials and ideas, allowing the process to guide him towards a final result. The finished works are not preconceived grand statements, but rather the outcomes of a creative process that seeks to remain curious and open to new possibilities. Ultimately, Erik's goal is to discover a new visual language that is hidden in the everyday materials around us.

Erik de Bree has exhibited his artworks in numerous solo and group exhibitions in several countries including The Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, and the United States. He has been awarded various art prizes and his work is collected by institutions such as Museum Voorlinden (NL), Kunstmuseum Villa Zanders (DE), Collection Fentener van Vlissingen (NL), as well as several corporate and private collections.

2005 – 2008 Rietveld academie, Amsterdam studierichting; beeldende kunst
1998 – 1999 Willem de Kooning academie, Rotterdam studierichting; illlustratie

Solo exposities
2022 Doubling down, Torch gallery, Amsterdam
2022 The frozen fountain, Amsterdam
2021 ‘Soviet series’, Torch Gallery, Amsterdam
2019 ‘supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’, TORCH Gallery, Amsterdam
2019 ‘Good times are the best times’, Galerie kruisweg 68, Haarlem
2018 ‘Wishy Washy/ Chitty Chatty’, C&H gallery, Amsterdam
2017 ‘The paper trail’, C&H gallery, Amsterdam
2016 'Torn & Teared', Kjubh Kunstverein, Cologne (DE)
2015 'With perfect nonchalance', C&H Art Space, Amsterdam
2014 'Erik de Bree op Sao Miguel', Christies Amsterdam
2014 Unfair 2014, Amsterdam
2013 'Erik de Bree, schilder' Castellvm Aqvae, Bloemendaal
2013 Unfair 2013, Amsterdam
2012 ING Haagse poort, Den Haag
2012 'Langolier paintings' Ververs gallery, Amsterdam
2011 'Improved photographs', Apice for Artists, Amsterdam
2011 'Rather ripped', galerie 37, Haarlem
2009 art olive, Amsterdam

Groeps exposities
2023 Art Island, with TORCH Gallery
2021 PAN Amsterdam, van Vlissingen Art Foundation booth met Geertje van de Kamp en Vincent Mock
2020 ‘Bitter and Sweet’, Galerie Gans, Vienna, Austria
2020 Art Rotterdam, groepspresentatie Torch Gallery
2020 Art Rotterdam, groepspresentatie, Martin Kudlek. DE
2019 Influencing the influencer, Torch Gallery, Amsterdam
2019 group show Art Miami, with Torch Gallery, Miami USA
2019 group show Luxembourg Art Week, with galerie Martin Kudlek, L
2019 ‘Children of the eighties’, galerie Martin Kudlek, Keulen, DE
2019 ‘Voyage through a gallery’s skin’, Provinciehuis, Haarlem
2019 CODA paper art, Coda museum Apeldoorn
2019 it’s a small world after all, Sebastian Fath Contemporary, Mannheim DE
2018 ‘This Art Fair’ met horizonverticaal, beurs van Berlage , Amsterdam
2018 ‘SOLO’ 25 kunstenaars uit castellum aqvea, vishal Haarlem
2018 Ensemble, de vishal, Haarlem
2017 Amsterdam Art Fair 2017 (C&H Gallery) duo met Rob Bouwman
2017 Singer museum Laren, van Vlissingen art foundation presentatie
2017 ‘Generatieportretten’ , Museum Waterland, Purmerend
2017 We Like Art (multiples show), Art Rotterdam
2016 'Lust for life', We Like Art, Amsterdam
2016 ‘Walking the line VII’ Galerie Martin Kudlek, Cologne (DE)
2016 'Odd one out', Art Rotterdam 2016 (C&H Art Space) 2015
2015 'Amsterdam Drawing 2015' (C&H Art Space)
2015 presentatie 'Van Vlissingen Art Foundation', Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
2015 'Huisdiamanten', SBK Amsterdam
2014 'Labyrint', Villa Zebra, Rotterdam
2013 'Bedankt voor die bloemen', Teylers museum, Haarlem
2013 'double damaged', Galerie Bart, Amsterdam
2013 'Horizonverticaal bij Quartair', Quartair, Den Haag
2013 'nieuwe uitleenschatten' , Der AA kerk / CBK, Groningen
2013 'Anders!', historisch museum i.s.m. Tanya Rumpff, Haarlem
2013 Horizonverticaal presenteert: RE: Rotterdam, Rotterdam
2013 galerie Bart 10 jaar, galerie Bart, Nijmegen
2012 Kunstvlaai, Amsterdam
2012 C.A.R. , Ververs gallery, Essen (DE)
2012 'het oog van de storm' De Vishal, Haarlem
2012 'mix op locatie' Galerie Rob de Vries op bezoek bij Castellvm
2012 aqvae, Bloemendaal
2011 Anoniem gekozen, Gemeentemuseum, Den Haag
2011 Zomeropstelling, Galerie Rob de Vries, Haarlem
2011 Verfzucht#8, artist initiative verhond, Amsterdam
2010 Not so absolute, Apice for artists, Amsterdam
2010 Kunstlijn Haarlem, de lichtfabriek
2010 Galerie Bart, Nijmegen
2010 ‘Restvorm’,Horizonverticaal, Haarlem
2010 ‘Bougie art initiatives’ in P//////AKT Amsterdam
2009 ‘Quantumvis v’ RC de ruimte, Ijmuiden & de servicegarage, Amsterdam
2009 ‘Mountains & spaces, Kulter exhibition space, Amsterdam
2009 ‘Constructional friction’ RC de ruimte, Ijmuiden
2009 ‘Memento memori’ de Vishal, Haarlem
2008 ‘Koud’ de Servicegarage, Amsterdam
2008 ‘Displacement’, Patronaat Haarlem
2008 ‘Art olive jong talent 2008’, Art olive, Amsterdam
2008 kunstlijn Haarlem
2008 ‘Foreign ground’ Gallery Ververs, Amsterdam
2008 Eindexamententoonstelling Gerrit Rietveld academie, Amsterdam
2008 ‘Kopie-documented now!’ Vlaams cultuurhuis de brakkegrond, Amsterdam
2007 Kunstlijn Haarlem, ‘De Beeldmakerij”
2007 ‘Afwezig’ , hotel Maria kapel, Hoorn
2006 ‘Cthonic’ , Het Seinwezen, Haarlem
2006 ‘Pass the drawing’, Horsemove project space, Amsterdam

Prijzen / beurzen
2019 projectsubsidie ‘the Sovjet series’
2015 Werkbijdrage bewezen talent, Mondriaan fonds
2013 inspiratie-reis, 'Van Vlissingen Art Foundation'
2010 Startstipendium, Mondriaan fondsCollectiesPublicatiesNevenactiviteiten

Collectie Voorlinden, KPMGKunstmuseum Villa Zanders (DE), collectie Fentener van Vlissingen, MAL collection, collectie Pieter en Marieke Sanders, collectie F. Oomen, ING insurance, Dela verzekeringen, SBK amsterdam, Diverse particuliere collecties

Soviet series interview - Galleryviewer
Soviet series review - Het parool, November 2021
Aus papier! Collectie uitgave kunstmuseum Villa Zanders 2021
Haarlems Dagblad, mei 2019
‘SOLO’ ; 25 kunstenaars uit Castellum Aqvae
Monografie; Erik de Bree op Sao Miguel, uitgeverij Waanders
HRLM stadsglossy, oktober 2017
De Telegraaf, 8 maart 2014
Tableau, maart 2014
Financieele Dagblad, 31 maart 2012
Kunstbeeld, december 2011

2010 - heden mede-oprichter/curator van de artist-run-space ‘Horizonverticaal’ in Haarlem
2015 - 2018 onderdeel van de tentoonstellingscommissie van ‘De Vishal’ Haarlem